Equipment NFTs and Energy cells

In NFT Battle Miners, each NFT belongs to a class called 'Album'. Each NBM NFTs belong to either:

  • The Mining Album: NFTs in this category have better RESM and NFTM values, making them more suited for resource extraction.

  • The War Album: NFTs in this category have better energy and power values, making them more suited for PvP fights.

  • The Equipment Album: NFTs in this category have specific attributes that make them suited for cave exploration.

As human civilization in Arcadia evolves and technology continues to advance, new additions to the equipment arsenal are regularly released. Initially, when exploration of Arcadia began, only the Pilot pack was available. However, after the discovery of dangerous creatures inhabiting the caves, Arcadian scientists introduced the Scout collection, a more advanced set of gear. As scientists continue to discover increasingly perilous monsters, new sets are currently being developed.

Those NFTs can be used to generate in-game items on demand (without the need for crafting), and they possess identical attributes to standard active cards:

  • Rarities: They bear a specific rarity ranging from Common to Ultimate.

  • Levels: They have different levels ranging from 1 to 5.

  • Leveling Up: They can only be leveled up (no pure level up is possible).

  • Fusion: They can only be fused with other Equipment Album NFTs (not possible to fuse them with NFTs from the Mining or War Album).

However, leveling up and fusing those NFTs rely on specific rules that differ from standard actives.

Energy cells are unique NFTs that are required to level up equipment NFTs. Each cell contains the energy required for Junker to level up 1 equipment NFT.

Energy cells don't bear any level, but they belong to one of the 5 rarities ranging from Common to Ultimate. Each cell from a given rarity contains enough energy to level up an equipment from the same rarity. For instance, Common energy Cells can only be used to level up Common equipment NFTs, while Epic energy cells can only be used to level up Epic equipment NFTs.

There are currently 2 ways to obtain energy cells:

Get some during Energy Capsule Sales: Energy Cells can be purchased when NBM is performing energy capsule sales. Each energy capsule bought contains a random energy cell.

Craft some in-game: Energy Cells can be crafted in-game by Junker. To be crafted, each energy cell requires a specific amount of Minium and materials:

  • 1 COMMON ENERGY CELL: 100 Common materials + 250 Minium. Crafting time: 4 hours

  • 1 RARE ENERGY CELL: 200 Common materials + 1000 Minium. Crafting time: 6 hours

  • 1 EPIC ENERGY CELL: 100 Rare materials + 5000 Minium. Crafting time: 8 hours

  • 1 LEGENDARY ENERGY CELL: 100 Epic materials + 20000 Minium, Crafting time: 15 hours

  • 1 ULTIMATE ENERGY CELL: 100 Legendary materials + 50000 Minium. Crafting time: 22 hours

Important: During a season, each time an energy cell is created, producing the next one becomes slightly more challenging. With each new iteration, it becomes increasingly difficult for Junker to stabilize the cell core, and the chances of failure increase.

Each cell type has its own limit : Common - 1500, Rare - 1000, Epic - 750, Legendary - 500, Ultimate - 250 and the crafting of each cell increases the failure chance when crafting the next one (e.g., the crafting of each common energy cell increases the failure chance by 0.066%).

Thus, players participating in sales and closely following the game have better chances of obtaining equipment packs and permanent items.

Currently, the only Equipment pack available is the Pilot pack, which contains 1 NFT from one of the 8 possible pieces of pilot equipment. However, as the exploration of Arcadia progresses, Arcadian scientists have started to develop new sets of equipment that might be more suited for further exploration. Nevertheless, the Pilot pack will always remain as a standard, well-suited for most Arcadian environments.

All the equipment NFTs, including the pilot NFTs, can be allocated and printed. They allow the production of pilot gears on-demand, giving an edge to their owners to better perform during Shadow Depths seasons and unique events, where players can win money, NBM prizes, and more.

Last updated