Construction Cards
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Construction cards are the most powerful and the most scarce assets in NFT Battle Miners. They can be obtained by opening the following packs:
Each construction represents a gigantic facility that can be placed on a land to boost resource extraction. Construction cards boost the operation's production in different ways: they first improve the land fertility (boosting the RESM/NFTM values), they also provide an additional bonus percentage on the land production, and they greatly increase the number of units that can be placed on a land.
However, each construction was designed to boost the production of one specific resource, and it is not possible to use a construction card to extract a resource not supported by the construction. For instance, the Mining Facility (designed to facilitate FUSIUM extraction) can only be placed on a land containing FUSIUM, and the land must extract FUSIUM for the operation to be valid.
Construction cards don't have a maximal supply.
Each Construction has a similar template containing key elements:
Indicates the name of the construction.
Level (LVL). Each construction bears a level between 1 and 5. Once a construction reaches level 5, it is possible to improve its rarity.
Grade (GRD), also called 'Rarity': Each construction bears a rarity Common (C) and Ultimate (U). Better rarity means better construction.
RESource Mining (RESM): This value, generally between 3 (bad) and 15 (excellent), indicates how effective the construction is when it comes to resource extraction.
Size: Determines how many units can be placed on the construction to extract resources. When placed on a land, each construction occupies 1 slot but adds a given number of extra slots equal to the construction size.
Indicates the main resource that the construction contains. Regardless of its level/rarity, each construction can only support 1 resource.
NFT Mining (NFTM): This value, generally between 3 (bad) and 15 (excellent), indicates how effective the construction is when it comes to NFT extraction.
Indicates how much the construction boosts the production of the land. This bonus is cumulative, meaning that if several constructions are placed on the same land, those bonuses add up.
Finally, construction cards belong to one of the following categories: