
During their explorations, each clone can collect, craft, print/allocate and use various items which fall into different categories:

  • Equipment : items that a clone can wear to improve its stats. They can be found in caves, print/allocate or craft.

  • Materials : also called ingredients, they can be either mechanical or indigenous. The former corresponds to objects which most of the time come from units that were damaged/destroyed when they explored the caves. Those items are man-made. The latter corresponds to indigenous items that normally grow or live in the mine. This category contains for instance mushrooms, insects, inert substances such as water and more.

  • Consumables : those items are temporary bonuses that can be used during explorations. They can be crafted using particular ingredients/materials, printed, or imported. Consumables can also be mined using NFTM operations.

Each materials, piece of equipment or consumables bears its own rarity ranging from Common to Ultimate. Currently, 5 different rarities are present

  • Common: defines items that are abundant and which can easily be found. Those items bear weak attributes.

  • Rare: corresponds to items that can be found in more advanced levels. The attributes of those items are better than the common one.

  • Epic: defines items that are hard to get. Several explorations might be needed to find one of those items.

  • Legendary: defines items that are extremely hard to get. Those items are very rare and intense and repetitive explorations are needed to find one unit.

  • Ultimate: describes the hardest category of items to get. Those are only found in the most dangerous places or dropped by the strongest monsters.

The rarity of an item can be identified thanks to the background on which it lies :

To preserve space, similar items can be grouped together into 'stacks'. Thus, a stack allows the storage of identical items into the same slot thereby saving space. Depending on the type of items, stacking follows a simple set of rules:

  • Equipment : Can not be stacked. Each piece of equipment will always occupy 1 slot.

  • Materials : Up to 5 similar materials/ingredients can be stacked together from start. This number can be increased by upgrading the Material Compressor SHIP module and playing with a Season Pass will make your clone start with this module lvl 3.

  • Consumables : Up to 100 similar consumables can be stacked together.

While exploring, every resource is stacked in the clone backpack. Initially, up to 100 units of resource can be placed into one stack. Playing with a Season Pass double this number, upgrading the Molecular Compressor Module increase the stack limit further.

Once the exploration is done, resources collected during the mission are automatically transferred to the Corporate Leader's wallet.

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